We create inspiring celebrations

Media Reports

Mr Bottle’s Kids Party as well as Mr Bottle have been consistently appearing on radio, TV as well as printed publications ever since we were in business. 

Our company has been featured in Singapore press as well as overseas media so you know it is a company which you can trust. 

Here are just some of the selected media feature on us:

media logos

Mr Bottle was mentioned in The Asian Parent Singapore article on Positive Effects of Social Media.

The Asian Parent Singapore article
The Asian Parent Singapore article: positive effects of social media

Kien’s interview on 26 Feb 2020 on 联合晚报 (Lianhewanbao) about his business, Mr Bottle’s Kids Party

Mr Bottle’s Kids Party featured on Motherhood magazine.

Mr Bottles kidsparty on motherhood magazine
Mr Bottles kids party on motherhood magazine

Mr Bottle’s Kids Party featured on Bazaar magazine.

mr bottles kids party on bazaar magazine
mr bottles kids party on bazaar magazine

Mr Bottle’s Kids Party featured in an inhouse country club magazine. 

Mr Bottle featured on an inhouse magazine
Mr Bottle featured on an inhouse magazine

Mr Bottle featured on Kids Company magazine

kids company magazine feature of mr bottle
kids company magazine feature of mr bottle

Mr Bottle featured on Shenzhen newspaper.

Mr Bottle appeared on Shenzhen Newspaper when he was performing in China
Mr Bottle appeared on Shenzhen Newspaper when he was performing in China

Mr Bottle interviewed on Kids’ Stuff

Mr Bottle interviewed on kids magazine

Mr Bottle’s Kids Party featured as a party planner on the Little Magazine.Mr Bottle on Little Magazine

Mr Bottle’s interview on The Straits Times for his magic show for children.

Mr Bottle interviewed on Straits Times
Mr Bottle interviewed on Straits Times

Mr Bottle and friend were part of Bug News, Ikea’s Kids Club newsletter

Mr Bottle and friends on bugs news. ikeas kids club newsletter
Mr Bottle and friends on bugs news. ikeas kids club newsletter

Mr Bottle’s feature interview on BBC Online
BBC news
Why I performed magic in North Korea

Mr Bottle’s story on MUM magazine. 

Mr Bottle's story of his trip to North Korea on MUM magazine
Mr Bottle’s story of his trip to North Korea on MUM magazine

Mr Bottle on Lianhe Wanbao

Mr Bottle on Lianhe wanbao
Mr Bottle on Lianhe wanbao

Mr Bottle’s performance has been singled out by online BBC News

Mr Bottle's performance in Pyongyang for the April Spring Friendship Art Festivals
Mr Bottle’s performance in Pyongyang for the April Spring Friendship Art Festivals has been singled out by BBC news online

Mr Bottle featured on Today newspaper and Today online for his charity work in Singapore.

Meet Singapore’s Patch Adams who bring cheer
Meet Singapore’s Patch Adams (Mr Bottle) who bring cheer to patients.
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Need help?
I am Kien, fun director of Mr. Bottle Kid's Party - Singapore Party Planner